We help NGO’s, governments and local authorities to maximize the impact of their programs.
The Epi-control platform is a software, accessible via a browser. It consists of 4 different modules that can be used independently and combined according to the need of our partner.
We look beyond routine programmatic data and include risk factors such as population density, sociodemographic data, access to health facilities, road networks, literacy level and vulnerability to predict the risk of the disease at neighborhood level.
Our partners use this information for more efficient case-finding interventions, diagnostic network optimization, predict treatment outcome, improved vaccination planning or service delivery.

Disease Burden
This module uses AI to quantify and predict disease burden in specific regions and population groups. It provides in-depth understanding of local demographics, distribution of health services and countrywide estimates of disease risk down to the community level. The geographic view simplifies any epidemiological challenge while highlighting problem areas at a glance.
This Module can be used by local teams and program managers to closely monitor the ongoing program activities down to the community level and in districts of interest. It is equally useful for health organizations and health ministries who are interested in a birds eye view on the country as a whole or certain regions for situation analysis. The geographic view simplifies the epidemiological challenge for its users with the desired level of resolution.
We bring real-time and dynamic epidemiological intelligence to health programs. This allows its users to adapt the program in view of recent events.
This module involves 2 key components:
Planning: Prioritizing geographical regions to reach the target population. Delegating activities based on the need for services and project goals.
Resource management: Allocating and managing resources (e.g. personnel, funds, equipment) effectively to ensure that the program can achieve its targets.
The goal is to maximize the impact of the funded programs and ensure that resources are used in the most efficient and effective way possible. This is particularly important when resources are limited and must be carefully managed to achieve the best possible outcomes for patients.
Network Optimization
Network Optimization aims to improve efficiency, maximize utilization of services, improve health outcomes for patients, and support health system strengthening. This requires a holistic and integrated approach, involving all stakeholders including healthcare providers, patients, and public health officials.
EPCON supports the process of network optimization at the level of various aspects:
Resource allocation: Optimizing the distribution of financial and human resources to ensure that resources are being used effectively and efficiently in the fight against public health challenges
Service delivery: Improving the accessibility to timely laboratory testing, preventive services, services with a focus on reducing barriers to care and ensuring that patients receive timely and accurate diagnoses, effective treatments, and proper follow-up care.
Data management: Improving the collection, analysis, and use of data to inform decision-making, evaluate program effectiveness, and track progress towards goals.
Treatment Outcome
Individual socio demographic situation and preexisting health conditions affect human behaviour and thus the outcome of treatments, such as loss to follow up, relapse, drop out from trials and general uptake of health services. We can help organizations that routinely collect individual level data to leverage it for predicting outcomes that are of interest to their clients and themselves included.
Predictive modeling can tell us "who" is most likely to use/not use health services, benefit the most from a specific intervention like financial incentive or nutritional support, suffer adverse effects, default on treatment or drop out of trials and "where" they are located. Thus, evidence based decisions can be taken such that individuals get more suitable care and organizations meet their goals.
Visualization of data
Data is visualised on 2 portals:
Visualization of the outputs on an interactive choropleth map, which also allows the users to visualise priority screening areas, gaps in health care system and contextual data layers for better interpretation.
It allows our partners to view priority areas (top 10%, 20% so on), additional contextual parameters, available health care facilities and service levels, in combination with program progress. It helps the program team to make evidence based and data-driven decisions, such that they choose the best suited interventions in light of the local context.
The Geoportal is being used to strategize and plan interventions at the smallest administrative unit. This planning is then linked to the activities in the field and fed back to the platform through a closed loop for continuous learning, monitoring and evaluation.
M&E Dashboard:
We visualize trends, monitor outcomes of routine activities in order to make evidence based decisions. Routine activities like screening, laboratory results, case notifications and other information across the cascade of care will be visualized through the dashboards in real-time. This allows our partners to keep track of key performance indicators at any given point and plan or readjust the program activities in function of performance. We compare targets and actual outcomes with planned impact.